Here's the form you can use to make a new charrie. Just copy and paste the form into a new topic under unapproved characters!
Camp Half blood Form:
Name:Katherine Blossom
Hair:brown n black
Body type:female
Personality:smart,pretty, and nice
God Parent:Athena
Mortal Parent:father
Siblings*:brother(Jacob) 9 years old
Origin (Birth Place): New York
Weapon*:bow and arrows
Rp Example**: Katherine Blossom was the new kid. She had been brought from New York in a chariot. She was flying in a chariot with random people that were bringing her to camp. She had just been sorted to Athena. She was hoping to be in Aphrodite or Hecate but she was sorted into Athena goodess of intelligence. Katherine was proud about it. Katherine loved to draw she drew day and night. Finally one day she ran to half-blood-hill without her note book her notebook was the most precious thing to her of she didn't have it she wouldn't be able to win anything!
Life previous to CHB**:Was boring and had been forced to do good at school. Was popular and had many friends
Notes about you charrie:funny to